Monday, December 26, 2011

Some New Year's Resolutions

My main New Year's resolution is to try to be nicer to everybody I communicate with, and to really listen to what they have to say, but I also have a few political resolutions

1. I am going to continue to support the Occupy movements, which I consider the best hope for democratic change in the last 40 years, in every way I can

2. I am going to continue to expose the Corporate led School Reform movement- as a force driving creativity and joy from our nation's classrooms without doing anything to achieve real educational equity or undermine the school to prison pipeline.

3. I am going to keep lines of communication open to Libertarians, even though I disagree with them on many issues, because I consider the erosion of Civil Liberties a grave threat to the future of this nation.

And if I am wrong about all of these things, it is not because of bad intentions. My goal is always, to quote Biggie "to spread love, it's the Brooklyn way."

Peace and Happy Holidays to All!

December 26, 2011

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