Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Invading Army That Has Occupied America's Public Schools

When a nation is invaded by an occupying army, there are multiple responses from those who communities have been occupied. Some resist openly, at great risk; some decide to collaborate; others grimly go about their business in sullen compliance; others decide to feign compliance, but take their resistance underground. Such would be a good description of the varied resistance to the Corporate takeover of American schools, which has many of the elements of a foreign invasion. Those who have coordinated the campaign of privatization, testing and union busting that has swept through America's public schools, Bill Gates, Eli Broad, Arne Duncan, Michael Bloomberg, and the like, none of whom have a background in teaching, have used the Shock and Awe tactics employed by invading armies to overwhelm opposition. They have crushed or bought off opponents, controlled public media, and found an eager army of mercenaries- Teach for America corps members- to implement their policies, which undermine the best practices of those who have spent their lives working in the nation's schools. If you freeze this Corporate takeover in time, it would look like a resounding success. Not only has the federal education bureaucracy been taken over by the invading group, one state and locality after another has adopted the policies they have proposed. Charter schools have been replacing public schools with breakneck speed; teacher evaluations based on student test scores have become the norm throughout the nation, and in school testing is multiplying while other pathways to learning are being crowded out. But one should not underestimate the extent, or the complexity of the opposition to these policies that is arising. When rules are imposed by an invading army using overwhelming force, compliance doesn't necessarily mean consent. And this is true of the testing regime the Corporate reformers are introducing, Many teachers, parents, union leaders, and school administrators secretly despise the policies being imposed on them; but see no way off opposing them with sacrificing their careers or children's welfare. But little by little, voices of resistance are appearing, some public, some private, which are not only raising doubts about the wisdom of the policies, but also building hope that some day they can be reversed. What we now have is non-violent army of resistance to Corporate Education Reform, small in number, but high in courage, morale, and vision, which is exposing the flaws of these policies on every front. And as the policies themselves become more invasive, demoralizing and counterproductive, more people are joining the opposition, some clandestinely, others publicly. The Chicago Teachers Strike mobilization,, the New York Principals and Professors petitions against high stakes testing,, the national movement to have parents opt out of high stakes testing, the student and neighborhood protests against school transformation policies, all show that the Corporate invaders have not been able to effectively pacify the territories they have occupied. And as their policies become more brutal- as poverty proliferates and the middle class shrinks, as class size mounts, and as K through 12 testing becomes the norm while all activities which foster creativity and critical thinking are discarded, resistance will grow Few battles have more significance for the future of Democracy in the United States than this one. Who knows, even some member of the Mercenary Armies recruited to implement these policies may decide to rebel.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for the spirited post.

    One major flaw in your motif: parents often stand on the side of the "invading army." What does that tell you? I hope they wouldn't be dismissed as Freirian sub oppressors. The invasion, colonization motif is tired and not very helpful I'm afraid. It contributes to the continued ironic isolation of public schools from the public . It's focused on repelling invaders rather than finding solutions to a very real and very big problem.

  3. I don't think we have a public schools problem. I think we have a poverty and inequality problem and looking at reforming public schools as the remedy to those problems will just make things worse. Much worse

  4. Much of the general public is unaware of the details of the deform movement and bought into their media campaign to present privatization as an improvement. Everyone I know who actually works in schools, thinks differently. As the corporate deforms lose more and more control of the ability to present manipulated and false data, their destructive nature will become more and more apparent.
