Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why I Love Badass Teachers

Badass Teachers teach, love and nurture children everyone has given up on, in good times and bad, children with disabilities, children who have been kicked out of their families, children who can't sit still, children who have seen unimaginable horrors, children who are homeless, children who are under constant stress, along with children who have happy lives, and happy families. They teach and love them all, and protect and defend them from physical threats and the threat of tests and assessments which humiliate them and destroy their love of learning

Badass Teachers stayed in the nation's toughest neighborhoods when everyone else left, amidst drug epidemics and drive by shootings, factory closing and fires, turning schools and their classrooms into refuges and place of hope, only to see themselves attacked for failing to reduce the "achievevement gap" by people who were in fancy colleges while they went to work every day , and then watching the same people close the schools they had devoted their lives to making work.

Badass Teachers protect their students every day, even at the risk of their own lives, and in Columbine and Newtown made the ultimate sacrifice, drawing upon their deep sense of mission and a love supreme. These heroic teacher stand as symbols of tens of thousands of teachers throughout the nation who have disarmed students, broken up fights, stopped gang wars from breaking our, put themselves in harms way in riots and brawls. This is the Badass ethos. This is what is REALLY means to put students first,


  1. When things are difficult, it is hard to stand back,look at the big picture and see- it is even more difficult than you could let yourself imagine. I'm from Florida which saw the start of the Jeb Bush Campaign Fund School Robbery. We saw it coming. But were we Badass enough? Do not get between a mother alligator and her brood. They have been coming - for our children. Time we left those good deportment reports from -our- schooling years behind.

    We now will fight. For The Children.

  2. Mark, Peggy...I right behind you....
