Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Education Summits" Without Teachers

Whether our leaders are Republican or Democratic, they seem to think Education Policy is too important a subject to allow mere teachers to have a voice in shaping it. These days, the only stakeholders that matter to elected officials are billionaires, large corporations and foundations and education policy groups funded by both. When Barack Obama held an education summit several years ago, no teachers were invited so it is not surprising that Florida Governor Rick Scott is taking the same approach in his state by organizing his summit during school hours. The result is the nightmare we are all living with- K-12 testing and teacher evaluation based on those tests, with added pressures imposed by the full court press for the imposition of Common Core Standards. The Education Coup D'Etat we are facing is the result of people crossing party lines at the top, so we must cross party lines at the grass roots in organizing resistance. The people we are fighting look at teachers, parents and students with paternalistic contempt. We must respond to their contempt with Solidarity and a vision of education rooted in love and respect for teaching, and for the students we teach, in all their variety.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the future of public education depends on a definition of teacher professionalism that is created by teachers, and would be willing to join with other teachers, not their representatives, and not their administrators. I believe if we are to carve out our legacy to the next generation of teachers, we must first take control of our evaluations and policies. I would welcome Diane, you, Robert Reich, and Howard Gardiner and Bill Moyers to speak to us, then let us in person. We must address the profession and the history of this movement. We have to reconnect the good research on learning, economic policies, systemic hiring practices that destroy rather than build good teachers. We are teachers and we need to have our own voice.
