Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Few Historical Reminders to Anti-CCSS Activists Who Have Become Enamored of Charter Schools

Reminder Number One:

Remember NY State Education Commissioner John King? The biggest cheerleader for Common Core in the State of New York, who has ignored the voices of parents, teachers and students pointing out the damage done by Common Core Aligned Tests and the teaching methods they inspire? Commisioner King's only public education background, as an adult, was the three years he spent as principal of a small charter school  And not only a charter school, but a zero tolerance charter school that was part of the chain "Uncommon Schools.  Commissioner King's passion for charter schools is as great as his passion for Common Core. If it was up to him, the entire city of Buffalo would become a charter school district on the model of New Orleans. So if you want to oppose Commissioner King on Common Core and support him on Charter Schools, be my guests. That will insure he will remain Education Commissioner for a long long time

Reminder Number Two

Remeber those Common Core Forums that the NY State Regenets held all over New York State. Where Commissioner King and Regent Chair Tisch remained glum faced and unmoving while speaker after speaker denounced the impact of Common Core were held in the Schools of New York State.
Well there were three of them in New York City.  I was at the one in the Bronx where a majority of those present opposed Common Core and where I told Regent Chair Tisch "Change Course or Get Lost."  Well there was also a Common Core Forum in Brooklyn where every single speaker supported Common Core and praised Commissioner King to the Skies.  Why. Because Eva Moskowitz of Success Academy Charter Schools packed the hall 3 hours in advance with parents teachers and students from her schools and signed up for all the available slots so that no one else could speak. I knew at least 10 public schools parents and teachers who wanted to speak against Common Core and were unable to do so. Hmmmm. Is this the kind of thing you want all over New York State?. Do you want Eva to move one of her schools to your home town?. 

Just a few things to consider. You might want to do a lot of research on Charter Schools as they actually exist in NY and other states before giving them a vote of confidence and carte blanche  

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