Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Nobody Cares About Teachers

After nearly 8 years of teacher advocacy, here is what I have concluded, albeit sadly
Nobody cares about teachers
They can steal your pensions, break your unions, lengthen your hours, script you, micromanage you, insult you and humiliate you and if you complain about what is happening, people will yawn, tell you you deserve it, or say "welcome to the club"
The only way you have any chance of making the general public care about your plight is if you tell them their children are going to be screwed if your profession is destroyed.
Remember, what is happening to teachers now happened to unionized industrial workers 30 years ago Proud people whose labor helped give the US the highest standard of living in the world were crushed by corporate America while their neighbors looked on passively and voted in people who accelerated the process.
I am not sure that the destruction of the teaching profession can be prevented, but if it can be, the only pathway to doing this is the defense of children and the presentation of a powerful vision of what is needed so that children in our schools get an eduction which does not script and insult and humiliate THEM.


  1. Absolutely correct! We need to ask the public:
    What kind of parent is going to be more successful one who is supported and encouraged, hopeful and motivated? Or one who is under constant threat, badgered, stressed, systemically negatively characterized by the media? Then, we need to remind the public that we are in the rooms with their children sometimes longer than their parents. We need to tell the public that just like stressed out burnt out parents are not the ideal; neither should be stressed out teachers. And like you said, NOT BECAUSE OF the WELL BEING of TEACHERS but because of THE WELL BEING OF THEIR CHILDREN!!!!!

  2. I think the attack on the teaching profession is part of a deeper problem in American culture which is an anti-science and anti-intellectual approach to life. An educated populace is a threat to the 1%. Add to that the economics of the 1% wanting to privatize everything and teachers are a big problem to their agenda so they must demonize us. This is the same method that has been used all through our history to promote racism as a way to divide the 99%.

  3. I have one dream that, Become a teaching profession

    i am preparing for Tet exam now receiving the TET Admit Card
