Monday, August 22, 2016

What a Job Interview Will Sound Like After Competency Based Education is Institutionalized

Summary of a Job Interview held in 2030- when Competency Based Education has been fully implemented for more than 10 years:
Employer: Hello Miss Jones. I have up here on my computer screen your personal workforce badge, and notice that you only got a 2 on your 3rd Grade ELA test. Can you explain that?
Miss Jones: I am 23 years old. How can I remember what I was doing in 3rd grade?.
Employer: Everything about you is up on this screen, even an assessment of your performance in recess when you were in Pre-K.
We expect full accountability from our employees retroactively as well as going forward.
Miss Jones: Now let me get this straight. What you are telling me is that from the time I was 4 years old, every single thing I did inside school and out has been recorded and preserved in a national data base which any employer can access
Employer: Yes. That is the world we live in. Making every child accountable is the only way we can meet the demands of Global Competition and keep our businesses and society up to the challenge.
Miss Jones: I loved to play as a child. I loved to dream. And now you are telling me that those traits make me unemployable
Employer: Yes. I am sorry to say that you are in fact unemployable.
Have a nice day.


  1. I think this would be great with that robot-voiced animation that I've seen in videos poking fun at various corp/elitist reform nonsensical and counter-productive policies. We have to put our heads, hearts, and creativity together and come up with effective ways to get the general public to open their eyes to what is being foisted on us in haste and in stealth. Digital "learning" with zombie-inducing bells and whistles and with incessant monitoring, data collection and storage, and data mining is not only inhumane, but it makes possible a dystopian totalitarianism run by sociopathic corporate elites lacking in empathy and concern for the well-being of children, families, neighborhoods, and the planet.
