Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Steve Bannon 24/7 Campaign

Steve Bannon's dominant role in the White House is both the most frightening feature of the Trump Administration and its weakest link. It is time to launch a campaign that I call "Steve Bannon 24/7". Some of its features should be:
First, demands directed at your elected representatives that Steve Bannon - an unrepentant White Nationalist- should removed from the National Security and from any official position of government bodies
Secondly, that twitter and social media campaign should be launched portraying Donald Trump as a puppet of Steve Bannon and warning Mr. Trump that he has become the laughing stock of the nation and the world because he is being controlled by a White Nationalist.
Third, our graffiti artists and meme makers and light show experts should deluge public spaces with messages like "Impeach President Bannon" "Bannon Must Go" and "Trump is Bannon's Puppet"
The safety of the nation and the world requires Bannon's removal from any official capacity in the Government. Every public official who fails to push for this will have their reputation compromised. Bannon's influence taints this Administration and the entire nation


  1. Could be a problem--our education system has produced millions that agree with him...

  2. Could be a problem--our education system has produced millions that agree with him...
