Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Bronx: A Prose Poem

The Bronx. Where, for more than a hundred years, the world's immigrants and migrants come to make their mark

The Bronx. Different yet the same after a hundred years of ethnic succession. Whether  Irish, Jewish, Italian, African American, Puerto Rican, West Indian, Mexican, Dominican, West African, Albanian, or Bengladeshi- it's still the place where people bearing memories of suffering in a score of different places live crowded together and create music that inspires the world.

The Bronx. Like the Mississippi Delta, it provides continuous  proof of the proposition that those with the least often have the most to say, and that the arrogance of the rulers will be mocked by the lasting contributions  of those over whom they ruled

The Bronx. Proving that democracy, even when mocked in politics and economics, is validated in culture. And that the cultural capital of those who share is greater than the wealth of those who hoard

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