Sunday, August 30, 2020

I Know You: My Short Portrait of Trump Supporters

I know you. You can't watch sports on television without feeling enraged, whether it is from athletes taking a knee during the national anthem, the proliferation of Black Lives Matter shirts and signs at sports events, or the Modelo Beer ads praising the heroism of Latino immigrants. You can't even turn on ESPN anymore because of all the talk about racial oppression and social justice, Your children's schools are becoming places where white kids are the minority. You worry about their safety, and about the rising tax bill you have to pay for extra services for recent immigrants. You look at the Democratic ticket and think it is a set up to make a Black Woman President some time in the next five years, and feel the clock is ticking for white people in the United States. You look at the thousands of Black Lives Matter protests around the country, some of them leading to disorder and fear the country is descending into anarchy The only time you feel good about the country is when you see Donald Trump speaking to you on television, or read his tweets. And you will do anything in your power to make sure he stays president, because everywhere you look, you see threats to your family and your children's future.


  1. Seems like some Biden supporters are ignoring the threat to world peace that an U.S. imperialist power elite-backed/Billionaire Bloomberg-funded Democratic Party administration led by "Russiagate Conspiracy Theorists" and AIPAC supporters/BDS opponents might also create for people at home and abroad. Despite his pre-2010 record of pushing for and/or supporting morally wrong and militaristic White House foreign policy decisions prior to 2010 that violated the UN Charter, international law and the Nuremberg Accords, the 77-year-old Hawk Democrat Biden apparently still believes he's morally qualified to try to continue to position himself to become president of the United States on January 20, 2021. Yet, ironically, as Jules Witcover observed in his 2020 Joe Biden: A Life of Trial and Redemption book:

    "According to an interview with Newsweek...Biden...told Obama [in 2008], `The good news is that, I'm 65 and you're not going to have to worry about my positioning myself to be president...'"

    Perhaps the now multi-millionaire former U.S. president Obama-- whose Hawk Democratic administration initially escalated U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan, continued to militarily occupy Iraq, waged drone war in Pakistan, waged war for regime change in Libya and initiated a covert war for regime change in Syria between 2009 and 2017--might not be worrying about Biden now attempting to position himself "to be president" in 2021?

    But, given Joe Biden's pre-2010 record on foreign policy issues, U.S. peace movement and anti-war/anti-imperialist left activists should, perhaps, be worrying now about what kind of foreign policy decisions Hawk Democrat Biden will make if he moves into the White House oval office on January 20, 2021?

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
